Thursday, April 25, 2013

Loving Hut Vegan Cuisine

Loving Hut is a vegan chain of restaurants with over 200 locations that boasts to be the largest family of vegan restaurants in the world. My children and I always wonder how long it will take for someone to develop the first successful vegan fast food chain. Loving Hut is the closest restaurant to it with a strength in numbers, but this strength is also its weakness.

We have eaten at four different Loving Huts: Upland, San Francisco Westfield & Sunset, CA and Phoenix, AZ and they have all been different. We fell in love with the one in Phoenix. Their menu was unique and included multiple dishes with unique twists such as the Chinese based Sizzling Rice Soup and Saintly Seaweed and American-based Spicy Cha Cha and Philly Dream. They had tons of vegan desserts and for a starved family on a road trip between CO and CA it was vegan heaven. We were amazed by what we had found and when we heard there were more Loving Huts we were excited to try!

Friday, April 12, 2013

KindKreme, Los Angeles CA

Gourmet. Raw. Vegan. Organic.
After a long tiring day at Universal Studios, we always look forward to vegan food in Los Angeles. KindKreme, formerly in Studio City, but now in Echo Park and Pasadena, offers multiple ice cream flavors, sundaes, and shakes that are all vegan, raw and organic.